Our great story with McDonald´s

It was a bright and sunny day, the perfect weather for climbing a mountain. I met up with my McDonald´s friends at the bottom of it, excited to take on this challenge together. We were all surprised when we noticed that there were no ropes or anything lying around

Our great story with McDonald´s
Our great story with McDonald´s

It was a bright and sunny day, the perfect weather for climbing a mountain. I met up with my McDonald´s friends at the bottom of it, excited to take on this challenge together. We were all surprised when we noticed that there were no ropes or anything lying around; in fact, there wasn't even any equipment whatsoever. "This is going to be an interesting climb," our leader chuckled as he pointed towards the peak of the mountain in front of us. It seemed like a daunting task ahead- but we were determined!

The convention is about to start, and every person who attended was very excited. They got a golden ticket from Mcdonald´s to enter the event so they can have fun together

The first obstacle was easy enough- just some rocks blocking our path upwards. But once we made it past those things, another set awaited us further down the hillside.

We were 400 people in the first virtual McDonald's convention. With the need of fun and energizing ourselves, climbing that mountain and knowing more about culture. The challenge was not easy, but we managed it. Using Expolink Training system, we created a realistic environment where each team had to climb up supporting each other for support.

The teams looked at each other, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. They had to work together and have a united goal. The mountains stood before them, and they were eager to climb it. To see what was around the corner, beyond that rock or tree, and take in all that this virtual world had to offer. It was tough but eventually they made it up the mountain with their friends by their side.

I always wanted to work in the video game industry. Gamify the McDonalds event and create game where people are rewarding.

Gamification has been proven to increase engagement, create expectations and a sense of belonging, all while staying in the memory. If you want your event or training session to be memorable for attendees on an emotional level, gamify it! I love customizing games for events because they also offer flexibility that make them unique every time. The sky is the limit when it comes to using gamification as part of your marketing strategy or event planning process—and we can help with both! Give us a call if you would like more information about how our team can use game design principles in either area we will gladly answer any questions you may have.
